Our journey to net zero

Greengage TeamGreengage interests, The Business

The team
Greengage's journey to net zero 2050 is the date the government have given for the economy to be net zero. Locally in Somerset they are aiming to be a Carbon Neutral County by 2030. The Somerset Chamber of Commerce of which Greengage is a member was actually the first chamber of commerce to be net zero. We have worked with ... Read More

Landscaping in winter

Greengage TeamThe Business

 We have clients who are understandably cautious about hiring landscapers during the winter months. Worries about lost days, due to inclement weather, and the impact of heavy footfall and machinery on wet gardens, are a natural concern.  At Greengage our staff our used to working in all weathers. They have specialist kit and PPE and know how to keep warm ... Read More

Greengage’s current project

Greengage TeamThe Business

Water feature
Over the past two years we have been working on two huge garden redesigns. They a showcased in our projects section of the website. Since finishing we have done a small garden redesign,  a concrete base for a greenhouse, a plastering course. Our current project includes building a retaining wall in a sloped family garden, adding some raised beds and shifting ... Read More

Back to work

Greengage TeamThe Business

Greengage landscapers will return to work on the 25th May. We have enjoyed spending time in our own gardens but are keen to get back. Our head landscaper missed work and ending up building a two storey playhouse out of reclaimed materials. We have some really exciting projects lined up including a whole garden redesign working with fabulous designer Sally ... Read More

Covid 19 and Greengage

Greengage TeamThe Business

Currently all Greengage staff are furloughed and staying safe at home and have been since Tuesday 24th March. As soon as restrictions are lifted we look forward to getting back to helping you make your gardens look fantastic.   We were coming towards the end of a really exciting build. It was a complete brand new garden for a new ... Read More