Autumn is ending and the weather is becoming increasingly cold as winter approaches. A lot of your time will be spent protecting your plants and structures from the cold weather.

Some top tips to get your garden ready for winter.
Clear up rotting plants and decaying leaves it will make your garden look tidier and can prevent the spread of disease.
Pot feet will stop pots from cracking from frost.
Hessian or bubble wrap is great for protecting containers from the frosts. A layer of each with hessian on the outside to look more natural is best.
Taller plants than can be pruned down will help protect them from the wind.
Mulch perennials to even out the ground temperature after the ground has frozen.
Don’t forget wildlife, hedgehog houses to keep them warm, bird food as insects are hard to find in the winter months. Leave some herbaceous perennials to create a winter habitat for the wildlife.
If you have tender bulbs like dahlia, gladioli, cannas then take up the bulbs, remove any plant material and store them so they don’t touch each other in a cool, dark place.
Make sure you don’t have slippy paths, clear leaves and carry out power washing if required.
Garden furniture needs putting away, treating or covering to ensure it lasts.
Words: Jude Eastick, Company Director & Head Gardener