March is a time when we get a lot of phone calls looking for work. The winter months are finally on their way out and gardens are springing to life. Occasional sunny days mean that we spend more time in our gardens and notice what needs doing. Obviously contacting Greengage is a great option but if you want to get a head start yourselves here are a few of the many jobs that March brings.
Nesting birds mean you must avoid work between March and August, so early march is your last chance but you must check carefully as some birds will have begun to nest. ‘It is an offence under Section 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 to intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built, or to intentionally kill, injure or take chicks or adults, or intentionally take or destroy any eggs.’
Now is a good time to get those paths clear and to get a head start on the weeds. Jobs such as jet washing can give an instant lift to areas in what can be quite a colourless time of year.

Fertilisation and mulching
It is the perfect time to get some serious nutrients into your soil for summer growing. Choose peat free composts or get down to your own compost bins and get digging in that fabulous nutrient rich goodness.

Early potatoes can go straight inside, time to get your herbs started inside and plant your summer bulbs – greengage favourites include the striking Allium and vibrant Crocosmia.

Moving shrubs
If you need to move any shrubs or deciduous trees, it is a good time to move them now before the ground becomes too hard.
If you get a dry day you may have had already cut your lawns, remember to set the blade high on your mower.

Words: Jennie Eastick, Amateur gardener and Office Manager