Nature based play

Greengage TeamGreengage interests

mud kitchen
With a growing tendency for children to be fixated with screens and obesity rates increasing, gardens and gardeners can play a role to encourage children to get outside to access nature and do some serious active playing. Not only will they have a great time but active children become active adults and an early introduction to nature and conservation will ... Read More

June jobs for the garden

Greengage TeamMonthly jobs for the garden

Summer is here and hopefully it will be a perfect month for gardening with long sunny days and plenty of time to get out in your gardens. By now you should have plenty of flowers in full bloom. Deadheading and cutting back any ones that have flowered will encourage plenty of new growth in many plants such as Roses, Delphiniums, ... Read More

Come rain or shine

Greengage TeamGreengage interests

In any given week you could see Greengage gardeners leave for work in shorts one day and waterproof clothing the next. It is not unusual in England to have a range of weather in one week or sometimes perhaps even in one day and we are known worldwide for our soggy unreliable weather. However, extreme rain, heat, wind or cold ... Read More

May jobs for the garden

Greengage TeamMonthly jobs for the garden

rape seed
May is a fabulous month for the garden, spring is well and truly established and the beginnings of summer are showing. Your fruit and vegetables will be showing excellent promise (hopefully) of good crops and buds will be appearing on your summer flowers. Weeding – either by hand or hoe is crucial, keep on top of the weeds as best ... Read More

In the Beginning…

Greengage TeamThe Business

Origins of Greengage The origins of Greengage started in February 2015. In my previous job back in London I had worked in a school doing various office and pastoral roles. Despite its perks; the opportunity to travel in the school holidays,  beautiful commute through Richmond Park, some great moments helping students  it didn’t really fit my idea of a dream ... Read More