Plants for health

Greengage TeamGreengage interests

At Greengage plants are used to add colour, variety, to encourage wildlife, for shade, shelter or screening. However plants have been a crucial source of food, medicine, household items and other products for centuries. They are indeed an invaluable resource for humans. We’re big fans of multi tasking at work and home, so here’s our top ten plants that look ... Read More

March jobs for the garden

Greengage TeamMonthly jobs for the garden

March is a time when we get a lot of phone calls looking for work. The winter months are finally on their way out and gardens are springing to life. Occasional sunny days mean that we spend more time in our gardens and notice what needs doing. Obviously contacting Greengage is a great option but if you want to ... Read More

Lighting without the light pollution

Greengage TeamGreengage interests

Night sky
This is a hot topic in Somerset, with a lot of complaints about the light produced by intensive farming methods used to force soft fruit for year round crops. At Greengage we love installing lighting and watching it transform a garden, often bringing a magical atmosphere. It can transform dingy areas, highlight favourite features or simply make it easier and ... Read More

Hot tubs, can we have one and still keep the green in Greengage?

Greengage TeamGreengage interests

hot tub
Hot tubs are a clear Greengage family favourite and a real treat on trips away. We’d love one in our garden so have been doing our research. Obviously there are social and well being benefits but do they outweigh the environmental impact? We have a tricky decision to make. Any new purchase has manufacturing and delivery implications and hot tubs ... Read More

Landscaping in winter

Greengage TeamThe Business

 We have clients who are understandably cautious about hiring landscapers during the winter months. Worries about lost days, due to inclement weather, and the impact of heavy footfall and machinery on wet gardens, are a natural concern.  At Greengage our staff our used to working in all weathers. They have specialist kit and PPE and know how to keep warm ... Read More